Saturday, October 19, 2013

We're Batty for Bats!!

We think bats are...

What a fun way to kick off your lesson plan unit on bats! You can take a poll of how many students think bats are cute, and how many think they are creepy. The students can then fill out their math graph and tally data summary worksheet.

click here to visit my TpT store to download this worksheet

This math activity works great with my opinion writing worksheet, "I think bats are". The students can write their opinion on bats during Writer's Workshop, and then draw a picture to go with their writing.

 click here to visit my TpT store to download this worksheet

SO... do we think bats are creepy or cute? Let's tally and graph to see!
Creepy = 9      Cute = 8

Our class thinks bats are CREEPY!

Having Fun on Silly Sock Day!!

We had a total blast on Silly Sock Day at Crown Point Elementary this past week. The staff and students showed their support for Red Ribbon Week by wearing their silliest silly socks... way to show your PANTHER PRIDE Crown Point!!

I loved my hot pink black cat & neon striped silly socks... FUN!!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Red Ribbon Week... Just say NO! to drugs

It is Red Ribbon Week at Crown Point Elementary! The Red Ribbon Celebration brings awareness and support to being DRUG FREE. This year's campaign theme is, "A Healthy Me is Drug Free". 

All this week, each of the classroom doors at Crown Point will be decorated to promote the Red Ribbon's drug free campaign to CLOSE THE DOOR ON DRUGS! In addition, the staff and students will be wearing red on Monday to kick off Red Ribbon Week.

This week's fun activities for the staff and students during the Red Ribbon Celebration at Crown Point will be...

For more information on Red Ribbon Week, their campaign, and this year's theme, please visit their website. Parents and students can take the pledge to be drug free and read about other ways they can support their school and community to be DRUG FREE.

 Click here to visit

Sunday, October 6, 2013

It's time for some Alien Addition!

We are having fun in Math Centers counting aliens! I made this activity to help our kindergarten class learn about addition. This is a great way to teach and reinforce addition. It can be used for morning work, busy work, or it can be laminated and used in your Math Centers with dry erase markers. The alien theme makes this activity a fun way to learn addition, and it is perfectly aligned with the Common Core State Standards.

MACC.K.OA.1.1 - Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.

There are 10 different alien themed worksheets, and a cover sign for your math center. If you would like to download this fun alien addition activity, please visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store.